By bus
From Caracas to Santa Elena de Uairén:
The buses leave from the bus terminal Oriente in Caracas at about 3 pm nearly every day. Contact by telephone is difficult so you have to go directly and ask. The journey takes about 22 hours. Price is about 30,-$. The buses are confortable.
From Puerto Ordaz or Ciudad Bolívar to Santa Elena de Uairén:
The buses leave in the evening from the bus terminal in Puerto Ordaz or Ciudad Bolívar nearly every day. The journey takes about 12 hours. Price is about 15,-$. The buses are comfortable.
By plane
There are planes several times a day going from the airport Caracas/Maiquetía to Puerto Ordaz. Ask a travel´s agency or directly in the domestic airport for connections. At the moment there is only one flight in the night going to Ciudad Bolívar. The prices are about 100,-$.
You can buy flights from Puerto Ordaz to Santa Elena de Uairén, but they are very pricey.
From Santa Elena de Uairén to El Paují
there are four-wheel-drive jeep taxis and a bus leaving at about 8 am every day. The small bus terminal is in front of the bakery Gran Café, the jeep taxis leave from a terminal about 100 m before the bakery Gran Café. The journey takes about 1,5 hours.
Due to the difficult infrastructural conditions of the road, the transport between El Paují and Santa Elena de Uairén is irregular.