Who we are

Movimiento Intraterrestre (movement intraterrestre), www.bewegung-innerirdische.blogspot.com, is a small non-profit organisation that dedicates to reforestation, arts and environmental education.
Our imidiate objective is maintainment and care of about 1000 trees that have been planted in 2007 here at the banks of río Esmeralda in El Paují during a privat organised one-weeks-event with 26 volunteers from all over the world. The event was organised by Cynthia and Nancy. This experience gave us the impuls to establish in 2010 a non-profit organisation Movimiento Intraterrestre. The primordinary idea of the foundation is to confront the situation of deforestation that has been converted into a big problem in this zone.
At a longterm we want to enlarge the number of trees up to 3000.
Our vision is to create a park for environmental education concerning the importance of fresh water for the planet.