"To plant a seed is the only way to survive"
"Hello! We are the Intraterrestres! We are animated roots. We left our hamlets, situated under the ground in the Great Masive Guyanés, where are sourced one of the largest rivers and wonders of the world. Today we left for the outside world with the power of the cosmos and the universe driven by the emergency of our imminate extinction. We are facing extinction, each day we are less but we need to be more.
We went to ask the Root of Wisdom how can we help ourselves. She adviced us to consult the elements that made life possible at the first place. The Earth, the Air, Fire and Water. They could guide us to a special human that knows, you have to plant a seed in order to grow.
And so we started our search. During our search we came across the element of Water and we asked how can we help the special human to help us to grow. The Water responded with: "Humans can be very strange. They have two eyes attached at the top of two long legs and they look like they´re always looking for something in the sky and sometimes they don´t look where they´re going. They couldn´t live without me", he said, "I´m vital for their existence. However they destroy my source and after that, they can´t drink me. Please, if you find them one day, please ask, why they do this."
In the same way the other elements gave us an answer similar. "We are vital for the humans, but in the same way they contaminate us and they make bad use of the fire causing a lot of harm, too!"
In the end they left us with the hope to find this special human that knows how to plant a seed. They told us the same that the Root of Wisdom told us and they showed us how to follow the path to the other side, where the humans live.
We continued our search through forests of poisonous mosses and we passed the mountains Pali - Rock. There were so many adventures and dangers we had to pass to arrive on the other side where the humans live.
Finally we arrived. The first encounter didn´t go very well with the humans. They didn´t seem aware of our existence. Only the small sprouts called children noticed our presence. They watched us and played with us. They understood the language of Mother Nature, they listened to the message: We have to plant a seed in order to survive. They wanted to help us, but being young children there wasn´t a lot they could do. They had to convince the grown - ups that have the power and the resources. The bad thing is that it is always very difficult to make them understand something, that for the children is important and fun.
It was the children that told us that among the adults some of them still carry a child within. They still like to play and they understand the language of Mother Nature. But because they are like the children, sometimes they neither have much power, like the human, that came and play with us at school.
In the end we understood that this person had to be the special human. However, they might not have the resources nor the facilities, but this special human could serve as a middleman with the powerful people that we have to communicate with.
So we convinced the children to pass us on the way during many walks. Next we have to find a way to got close to the special human and the only way that occurred to us was make them look towards the earth, like falling flat on your face.
This was how we set them up. One of them tripped up, bumping the big toe on one of us and fell flat on her face, shouting in pain. The pain passed quickly, and she started looking for the root that tripped her up. She saw us, but she saw us with the eyes of the child that she is carrying within. She picked us up, dry, ugly and exhausted from the struggle. She saw us up close, she carried us to her house where things began to change. Our new life began when she passed us paint brushes and vibrant colours and this succeeded the miracle of our revitalization and transformation into animated roots.
Now our mission to find other special humans is a lot easier. We are here; we are the Intraterrestres, aimated roots thanks to the children of El Paují and to the artist Cynthia Gamboa.
We are voluntary messengers. We are glad that we are in the disposition to be adopted by who ever to go wherever with intention to survive and arrive to find this child within, all welcome under the age of two hundred years, who can pass on our message:
To plant a tree is the only way to survive.
So watch us closely, get going to adopt one of us and take away to live with you.